The episode as a whole seemed to me to be somewhat undernourished. Although not without its charm, I felt it lacked the strength and quality of other episodes. The story I found to be rather weak and uninspired but although it did not particularly captivate me it remained, for the most part, watchable. For me, an average plot found redemption in the characters interaction and playful banter, which was, as usual, first rate. In conclusion I think it a shame that this episode, which was almost good, failed to reach it’s potential.

A good episode for me.  I know most people were not familiar with Swarm when this came out but I had actually bought the two Spectacular Spider-Man issues that featured Swarm and were two of my favorite comics at the time.  The scene where Iceman busts through the observatory only to have Spidey show him that the door was open is probably my second favorite scene in the series.  This is also the first episode where we see the rivalry (and jealousy) between Peter and Flash.  Another first season winner for me.

I'll never forget my brother and his friend walking out in the middle of this episode because of the torturously repetitive use of the name "SWARM".  Besides that, this is a pretty good episode.  I absolutely love the car crash cliffhanger and the football dialogue the gang uses with the meteorite. But I'm taking half a star off just because of the sheer torture.  Great fun to watch it with someone else and see them cringe.