It's nice to see another Marvel Comics guest star. The obligatory
guest appearance for (almost) every episode was/is a HUGE part of why this
series appealed to me. Again, I feel that this is a well written
episode with respect paid to the Marvel Universe and it's legion of fans.
It's not without it's great moments, though I feel like the episode suffers
a bit by having Spider-Man and Firestar trapped for so long. The Iceman/Zerrona
scenes are great fun and make up for some of the missing banter, but I
miss the camaraderie of the gang. Eh...alright...I'll admit it: my
NUMERO UNO reasoning in giving this episode only two and a half stars comes
down to the fact that I've always found Thor and the Norse God stuff more
bland than a bologna sandwich. Pass the PB & J.
I agree with Jon (except I
quite like Nordic mythology!) This was quite a good episode which I feel
could have been a great episode if only Spider-Man and Firestar hadn’t been
trapped for so long. One of the things that makes the cartoon so much fun to
watch is the snappy dialogue and interaction between Peter, Bobby and Angelica;
although the scenes between Iceman and Zerrona were well written and fun to
watch, I really miss the gang being together in this episode.
I guess I liked this one a little more than Jon & Caroline. I thought it was actually a good idea to
keep Spidey & Firestar trapped most of the episode because it was a nice change to have a story
centered around Iceman. Great to see many of the different realms of Asgard too (something not
seen or explored very often in Marvel stories). Lots of humor in this one. I just have fond memories
of watching this story. It has the right pace and plot for me. It is not an easy thing to try and fit
Thor and Loki into the Spider-Man & his Amazing Friends universe but it was done very well.