I absolutely adore this episode and feel that it has many wonderful qualities. Evil sorcerers, demons, heroic knights, this thorough and detailed story is remnant of the tales about King Arthur, and the fantasy element reminds me in part of the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon which Marvel produced a few years after the Spider-Friends.  The interaction between the characters is fantastic; the relationships are completely believable and the dialogue is remarkably sharp. I especially like the interplay between Bobby and Angelica, he seems to delight in playfully teasing and irritating her throughout the episode and I find it makes an interesting change as usually it is Peter and Bobby who vie for one-upmanship.  I think that it is an interesting concept to have the Spider-Friends battle a sorcerer with magical powers (powers that Bobby doesn't initially believe in) instead of a super villain.  I love the medieval fair, it really sets the scene for a great episode.  Is it just me or does the animation look really good in 'Knights And Demons?'

It just isn't one of my favorites.  Just too far out of its element for me.  I do like a Black Knight appearance although not quite the Marvel version we are used to but it worked well for the story. The villain was kind of lame and again the whole traveling to another dimension and magic spells just isn't my thing and the episode before this just took us to Asgard so it wasn't as fresh with this follow up.  I did enjoy the rather good animation treatment this one seemed to get for no apparent reason and there were some funny moments for sure but I just didn't get into the thrill of the adventure.  Sorry.

Put your dukes up Mark.  Those are fightin' words!!!   Really though, if I take a step back and look at this episode from another perspective, I could certainly understand a Spider-Man fan's dislike.  It has nothing to do with the Spider-Man mythos...but it sure is A LOT of FUN!  The great dialogue and the charisma that define this show...it's all here in this one.  It's also one of the best animated episodes of the shows entire three year run.  LOVE IT!!