I have to say this was one of
the better third season episodes as obviously a lot of thought went into this
one. I guess they thought Spider-Man fans would blindly accept the premise
for the show but, oh...they had questions. Fortunately the answers they came up
with were quite good. Great to see how they all got together. The
Beetle was a great choice for a villain. Tony Stark showing up was great too and
doing so without making Iron Man the main focus took guts. I know it sure
must have been tempting to want to use Iron Man in more than just a cameo shot in
outer space. Well done and entertaining. I'm glad they didn't
explain them getting together until the third season. I don't know if they
would have come up with a better story if they had done this kind of show as a first
season episode.
said Mark. Though I do not love this episode, I don't feel that it could have been done any better in a single episode. The writer here is given a BIG challenge of
explaining why the gang has all of the 'forced-upon' network gimmicks (i.e., Ms. Lion
and their computer/crime lab) AND how
the team got together. Great solutions are used that actually make this wacky cartoon seem plausible.
In the course of doing so, I think it hurt the flow of the story a bit. Too much felt squeezed and forced out and not a lot of the charm of this show is present.
Still...kudos to the writer for pulling this episode off this well.
Mark, I do agree with you but I have to say that this episode
has always been one of my favourites! I think it was a real treat to see
how the gang met and founded the Spider-Friends. This is where character
relationships were formed and other aspects of the show were explained. It
was indeed extremely plausible that Aunt May would need to take in student
borders to help financially. It was good to see Peter at work at the Daily
Bugle contending with J. Jonah Jameson. I love the scene where Peter first
meets Angelica and subsequently when Spidey first bumps into Firestar and
Iceman. I like it when Bobby and Angelica tease Peter in the ESU canteen
making him hot and cold. I like the way Peter discovers their secret
identities, and their excitement the first time they transform the boy’s room
into their crime lab. I appreciate the way the writer had Bobby and
Angelica mention that they used to be X-Men (good continuity) and I like the way
they had a discussion about what to call the team. I also like the fact
the Beetle was featured as was Tony Stark. In all I think that it’s a
really good episode!