Firestar and
Iceman attend an X-Men reunion, as Spider-Man encounters the Juggernaut
who is headed in his friend's direction, to crush his half brother, Charles
Xavier. While talking with the new members of the X-Men, Firestar is asked
what it was like to grow up with her powers. She talks of how her
inability to control her powers earned her the nickname "Ms. Angelica Jinx"
by her childhood rival, Bonnie. But one day after saving her father's
life in a construction accident she realizes that she should use her powers
to help people. She talks how she joined the X-Men and is about to
go into detail about her days in college when the Juggernaut breaks into
the X-Mansion (with no Spider-Man to be seen and apparently defeated).
The X-Men fight the Juggernaut but to no avail. He works his way
through their defense one by one. Just as he is about to reach Xavier,
Spidey shows up to pull Xavier from the Juggernaut's reach. Given
time to regroup, the Spider-Friends manage to remove the Juggernaut's helmet,
leaving him defenseless to Xavier's mental powers.
Angel, Wolverine, Storm; Cameo: Magneto, a Sentinel robot
Disgustingly upsetting to comic book fans at the time, Wolverine was disposed of rather
quickly by the Juggernaut in this episode, Wolvie's first animated appearance.
His trademark adamantium claws just weren't suitable for Saturday morning
cartoons in the 1980s. Probably not coincidentally, he didn't even appear
in the episode 'The X-Men Adventure'.
ORIGINAL AIR DATE: September 25th, 1982